Learn to fail

A 10 week, activity-based, online-only program that equips you with an entrepreneurial, problem-solving, innovation-focused mindset.‍

Starts August 7th 2024

The theory is easy; the process is what changes you.

We want you to learn that it's ok to share an idea, even a bad one, and to learn that having bad ideas is part of success.

We want you to be comfortable creating ideas and be confident that you (yes, you!) can solve meaningful problems.

We want you to learn how to connect with others and solve problems collaboratively.

This program gives you the opportunity to do all of that and more. Repeatedly.

So that by the end you're confident and ready to apply what you've learned to your own world.

"People who avoid failure also avoid success."
- Robert T. Kiyosaki

Know yourself

Come to terms with what failure means and how to embrace it as part of the creative process.

Push yourself

Go beyond your comfort zone and make things you didn't know you could make.

Change your world

Learn a repeatable process and mindset for finding problems and creating solutions in your organization or the wider world.

By the end you'll say...

"...it was really fun I learned a lot from this experience because I learned that failure can actually be a way to achieve as well as to grow in ways I didn't know you could. It's also been an outlet as well because nowadays failure is not really accepted because we see perfection but here you're allowed to make mistakes and to live with those mistakes."
- Happy, a Failure School Student

Program flow

A rigorous, experiential, collaborative workload designed around your day job with one assignment every two weeks split into "Research" and "Build" weeks.
You get out of it what you put in.

Project 1

Connect with your batch mates, deconstruct failure, and jump right into working with a partner on a real-world problem.

Project 2

Learn to dig deeper into problems and discover the power of structured collaboration as you work in small teams to build a chatbot.

Project 3

Work in larger teams to prototype a mobile app solution to a real world problem.

Project 4

🚀 prepare for take-off
Put everything together to tackle a real world problem for a real organization.

Project 5

🚀 take-off
Use what you've learned to identify an opportunity area in your own organization or personal project and get to work.


Get your "Certified Failure" Certificate to show off to the world

And beyond

🚀 make it happen
Post-graduation, lean on our Failure Coaches to help you bring your projects to life.

Frequently asked questions

What is The Failure School?

The mindset we learn at the schools we study in and the mindset we then apply at the companies we work for is not enough to create our best future.

The Failure School is here to equip people with new ways of thinking about problems and new ways of creating solutions that combine modern technology like no-code websites and chatbots with human-centered Design techniques such as Design Thinking and Lean Start-Up methods.

We create safe spaces and growth mindsets allowing all students to learn how to innovate, to fail and, ultimately, to learn, to improve and to succeed.

It's the program we would design for ourselves if we could live life all over again.

What is the schedule like?

Most weeks look like this:
(GMT+8 timezone - if this doesn't work for you, apply anyway and you can join future a future batch at a time that works for you)

Monday 5pm to 7pm: Workshop or lecture
Tuesday 5pm to 7pm: Workshop or lecture or group work
Wednesday 6pm to 7pm: Office hours or Guest Speaker
Thursday 6pm to 7pm: Office hours
Friday: Mastermind Group (each group chooses their preferred time)

Expect to work outside of these times with your teams or on your own on the assignment.

Assignments are due every second Sunday night at 11:59pm.

We'll also ask you to critique other teams' assignment work and those critiques are due Monday night at 11:59pm.

What's the curriculum like?

There's rarely one right answer to any one single problem in the world and the more we grow, the more we learn the most important things are structured collaboration, forward progress, and the embrace of ambiguity.

These are the foundations upon which the course is built and these are the things that you will get to practice throughout the program and beyond.

As well as instructor-led facilitation and our own slide decks, we also provide access to a student portal with a curated list of videos, books, and articles to reinforce your learning experience covering topics like Design Thinking, Innovation, Lean Start-up and more.

What should I expect?

A life-changing hands-on experience guided by experienced coaches designed to open up the world to you in ways you may never have thought possible.

Who will coach me?

As well as the main facilitator for the whole program, you'll also be matched with a Failure Coach whom you will meet once per week and will help you grow throughout the program.

Who is the ideal participant?

The Failure School is designed for anyone who's ever felt frustrated because they had an idea and were too scared to act on it because "what if...?" What if they don't like it? What if they laugh? What if it's the wrong idea?

This program will show you how to move beyond the What If...? and focus on the others How Might We...?

What happens after the program?

It's too easy to attend a program and pass an exam and get a certificate but that's not what this program is about. There are no exams (but you will get a certificate) and your success will be measured during and after the program in the connections you make, the projects you work on, and the solutions you bring to the world.

How much does it cost?

The program costs $1,000 (or £800 or €900) though we offer full scholarships for students, government employees, NGOs and similar organizations. To apply, fill up the application form and select that option and our team will get back to you.

We're working with:

We didn't really understand [what to expect]. It really teaches you how to ask good questions, to not be afraid to ask those questions and always to ask "why".  It helps you embrace failure in a really advanced and exciting way. I learned a lot, I had fun. I can't wait for the next one!

Failure School Attendee

It taught me also how important team work is, how important it is to not feel bad about failing but instead to be proud that you failed. My favorite part was the team work exercises because it really shows how people can work as a team, how cooperative you can be and when you fail...it's ok!

Failure School Attendee
"Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you’re not innovating enough."
Elon Musk

Are you ready to become a failure?

Scared? Nervous? Unsure of yourself? Frustrated by your lack of action on ideas you have? Want to be more comfortable being creative?

This is the program for you.

Starts August 7th 2024

"Since we live in an age of innovation, a practical education must prepare you for work that does not yet exist and cannot be clearly defined."
- Peter Drucker